Unlock the power of play-based learning for your young people
Educational experiences
Educational experiences
Quality learning doesn’t stop and start behind a desk. In fact, play-based learning is one of the most effective ways you can enhance communication and collaboration skills, develop fine motor skills and increase confidence.
Our educational experiences teach children essential topics through hands on learning, creating EYLF focused outcomes through their accompanying learning stories.
Providing a holistic education young people is difficult, but necessary. Let us take the lead and provide the young people in your care with developmentally fulfilling tactile play.
Resources designed by educators, for educators.
Growing up I found that I learnt best by getting engaged with a new topic of interest by getting my hands involved.
This childhood passion for hands-on learning has led me to a career in handmade educational toys and experience. During my career with young people I returned to my passion of toy making, as I noticed a demand for natural, wooden educational resources in childcare. What started with a book and a 3D dinosaur skeleton puzzle has now expanded to custom play-based educational offerings and expertly crafted wooden resources.
Having worked with children of varying needs, I understand the importance of tailored educational experiences. My courses and resources are centered around play, and provide a holistic education for every child, nurturing their long-term development.